Basic Dream Interpretation Guide
There’s a lot to unpack when it comes to our dreams. Besides being fodder for a good conversation, our dreams can actually tell us a lot about ourselves and our path. Psychic abilities are ingrained in each and every one of us, and those abilities often come out best when we are sleeping. I’ll go into the specific function of each of our brainwaves and how those relate to our psychic abilities later, but for now I’ve come up with a list of some of the most common dream symbols.
Our spirit guides often use symbols in our dreams to get our attention and deliver us messages. We have an internal symbol library that our subconscious and our guides use to communicate. No matter where you’re from or what language you speak, these symbols are universal, and when you know what each one means, it makes it easy to work through what message your guides are sending. Here’s a list of few of the most common ones:
When we put all these symbols and messages together it can paint an incredible picture. Write down your dreams right after they happen. I keep a pad of paper and pen by my bed to write notes if I wake up in the middle of the night, and I keep more detailed notes on my phone. My dreams usually make no sense to me until I’ve written them down and slowly begin unpacking each symbol. Once the symbols are worked out, the whole story will begin to unravel, and you may be surprised by the message that is left. If you’re having trouble uncovering the message behind a dream, it could simply be “brain salad,” which is your subconscious letting go of too many thoughts. If you have questions about dream interpretations, I’d love to hear them below!